List of ethnic groups of Africa

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The ethnic groups of Africa number in the thousands, with each ethnicity generally having its own language (or dialect of a language) and culture. The ethnolinguistic groups include various Afroasiatic, Khoisan, Niger-Congo, and Nilo-Saharan populations.

Ethnic groups in Africa
1996 map of the major ethnolinguistic groups of Africa, by the Library of Congress Geography and Map Division (substantially based on G.P. Murdock, Africa, its peoples and their cultural history, 1959). Colour-coded are 15 major ethnolinguistic super-groups, as follows:
     Hamitic (Berber, Cushitic) + Semitic (Ethiopian, Arabic)
     Hausa (Chadic)
     "Guinean" (Volta-Niger, Kwa, Kru)
     "Western Bantoid" (Atlantic)
     "Central Bantoid" (Gur, Senufo)
     "Eastern Bantoid" (Southern Bantoid)
Nilo-Saharan (unity debated)
     Central Sudanic, Eastern Sudanic (besides Nilotic)
     Khoi-San (unity doubtful; Khoikhoi, San, Sandawe + Hadza)
     Malayo-Polynesian (Malagasy)
     Indo-European (Afrikaaner)

The official population count of the various ethnic groups in Africa is highly uncertain, both due to limited infrastructure to perform censuses and due to rapid population growth. Some groups have alleged that there is deliberate misreporting in order to give selected ethnicities numerical superiority (as in the case of Nigeria's Hausa, Fulani, Yoruba, and Igbo peoples).[1][2][3]

A 2009 genetic clustering study, which genotyped 1327 polymorphic markers in various African populations, identified six ancestral clusters. The clustering corresponded closely with ethnicity, culture, and language.[4] A 2018 whole genome sequencing study of the world's populations observed similar clusters among the populations in Africa. At K=9, distinct ancestral components defined the Afroasiatic-speaking populations inhabiting North Africa and Northeast Africa; the Nilo-Saharan-speaking populations in Northeast Africa and East Africa; the Ari populations in Northeast Africa; the Niger-Congo-speaking populations in West-Central Africa, West Africa, East Africa, and Southern Africa; the Pygmy populations in Central Africa; and the Khoisan populations in Southern Africa.[5]


By linguistic phylum

As a first overview, the following table lists major groups by ethno-linguistic affiliation, with rough population estimates (as of 2016):[citation needed]

PhylumRegionMajor groupsPop. (millions)
(2016)[citation needed]
Number of groups
Afro-AsiaticNorth Africa, Horn of Africa, SahelAmhara, Hausa, Oromo, Somali, Tigrayan200200-300[6]
Niger-CongoWest Africa, Central Africa, Southern Africa, East AfricaAkan, Fula, Igbo, Kongo, Mandé, Mooré, Shona, Yoruba, Zulu9001650[6]
Nilo-SaharanNile Valley, Sahel, East AfricaDinka, Kanuri, Luo, Maasai, Nuer, Songhai6080[6]
KhoisanSouthern Africa, TanzaniaNama, San, Sandawe140-70[6]
Indo-EuropeanCentral Africa, East Africa, North Africa, Southern Africa, West AfricaAfrikaners, British, French63[8]
TotalAfrica1.2 billion (UN 2016)c. 2,000[9]

Major ethnic groups

The following is a table of major ethnic groups (10 million people or more):

Major ethnic groupsRegionCountriesLanguage familyPop. (millions)
AkanWest AfricaGhana, Ivory CoastNiger–Congo, Kwa20[year needed]
AmharaHorn of AfricaEthiopiaAfro-Asiatic, Semitic22 (2007)
ArabsNorth AfricaAlgeria, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, MauritaniaAfro-Asiatic, Semitic100+ (2013)[10]
BerbersNorth AfricaAlgeria, Libya, Morocco, MauritaniaAfro-Asiatic, Berber36 (2016)[11][12][13]
ChewaCentral AfricaMalawi, ZambiaNiger–Congo, Bantu12 (2007)
FulaniWest AfricaMauritania, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Nigeria, Cameroon, Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin, Niger, Chad, Sudan, Central African Republic, Ghana, Togo, Sierra LeoneNiger–Congo, Senegambian20[year needed]
HausaWest AfricaNigeria, Niger, Benin, Ghana, Cameroon, Chad, SudanAfro-Asiatic, Chadic78 (2019)[14]
HutuCentral AfricaRwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the CongoNiger–Congo, Bantu15[year needed]
IgboWest AfricaNigeria, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, GabonNiger–Congo, Volta–Niger34 (2017)
KanuriCentral AfricaNigeria,[15] Niger,[16] Chad,[17] Cameroon[18]Nilo-Saharan, Saharan10[year needed]
KongoCentral AfricaDemocratic Republic of the Congo, Angola, Republic of the CongoNiger–Congo, Bantu10[year needed]
LubaCentral AfricaDemocratic Republic of the CongoNiger–Congo, Bantu15[year needed]
MongoCentral AfricaDemocratic Republic of the CongoNiger–Congo, Bantu15[year needed]
MossiWest AfricaBurkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Niger, Ghana, Mali, TogoNiger–Congo, Bantu11[year needed]
NilotesNile Valley, East Africa, Central AfricaSouth Sudan, Sudan, Chad, Central African Republic, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, EthiopiaNilo-Saharan, Nilotic22 (2007)
OromoHorn of AfricaEthiopia, KenyaAfro-Asiatic, Cushitic42 (2022)
ShonaEast AfricaZimbabwe and MozambiqueNiger–Congo, Bantoid15 (2000)
SomaliHorn of AfricaSomalia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, KenyaAfro-Asiatic, Cushitic20 (2009)
SonghaiWest AfricaNiger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, AlgeriaNilo-Saharan8 (2019)
YorubaWest AfricaNigeria, Benin, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Sierra LeoneNiger–Congo, Volta–Niger40[year needed]
ZuluSouthern AfricaSouth AfricaNiger–Congo, Bantu12 (2016)

See also
