Equivalent (chemistry)

An equivalent (symbol: officially equiv;[1] unofficially but often Eq[2]) is the amount of a substance that reacts with (or is equivalent to) an arbitrary amount (typically one mole) of another substance in a given chemical reaction. It is an archaic quantity that was used in chemistry and the biological sciences (see Equivalent weight § In history). The mass of an equivalent is called its equivalent weight.


The formula from milligrams (mg) to milli-equivalent (mEq) and back is as follows: where V is the valence and MW is the molecular weight.

For elemental compounds:

Common examples

mEq to milligram

CompoundChemical formulaMolecular weight (MW)Valencies (V)Sample
ReferenceElemental mEqElemental mEq to compound weight
Potassium (reference)K39.098 g/mol1 (K+)20 mEq potassium20*39.098/1=782 mg
Potassium citrate monohydrateC6H7K3O8324.41 g/mol3 (K+)Liquid potassium citrate/gluconate therapy for adults and teenagers taken two to four times a day[3]20 mEq potassium20*324/3=2160 mg
Potassium gluconate (anhydrous)C6H11KO7234.245 g/mol1 (K+)Liquid potassium citrate/gluconate therapy for adults and teenagers taken two to four times a day[3]20 mEq potassium20*234.245/1=4685 mg

Milligram to mEq

CompoundChemical formulaMolecular weight (MW)Elemental mass fractionValencies (V)Sample
ReferenceWeightCompound weight to elemental mEq
Potassium (reference)K39.098 g/mol100%1 (K+)3000 mg3000*1/39.098=77 mEq K+
Potassium citrate monohydrateC6H7K3O8324.41 g/mol36.16%3 (K+)Tolerable DRI for potassium dietary supplements[4][5]8.3 g (3000/0.3616)8296*3/324.41=77 mEq K+
Potassium gluconate (anhydrous)C6H11KO7234.245 g/mol16.69%1 (K+)Tolerable DRI for potassium dietary supplements[4][5]18 g (3000/0.1669)17975*1/234.245=77 mEq K+

Formal definition

In a more formal definition, the equivalent is the amount of a substance needed to do one of the following:

The "hydrogen ion" and the "electron" in these examples are respectively called the "reaction units."

By this definition, the number of equivalents of a given ion in a solution is equal to the number of moles of that ion multiplied by its valence. For example, consider a solution of 1 mole of NaCl and 1 mole of CaCl2. The solution has 1 mole or 1 equiv Na+, 1 mole or 2 equiv Ca2+, and 3 mole or 3 equiv Cl.

An earlier definition, used especially for chemical elements, holds that an equivalent is the amount of a substance that will react with 1 g (0.035 oz) of hydrogen, 8 g (0.28 oz) of oxygen, or 35.5 g (1.25 oz) of chlorine—or that will displace any of the three.[8]

In medicine and biochemistry

In biological systems, reactions often happen on small scales, involving small amounts of substances, so those substances are routinely described in terms of milliequivalents (symbol: officially mequiv; unofficially but often mEq[2] or meq), the prefix milli- denoting a factor of one thousandth (10−3). Very often, the measure is used in terms of milliequivalents of solute per litre of solution (or milliNormal, where meq/L = mN). This is especially common for measurement of compounds in biological fluids; for instance, the healthy level of potassium in the blood of a human is defined between 3.5 and 5.0 mEq/L.

A certain amount of univalent ions provides the same amount of equivalents while the same amount of divalent ions provides twice the amount of equivalents. For example, 1 mmol (0.001 mol) of Na+ is equal to 1 meq, while 1 mmol of Ca2+ is equal to 2 meq.
