Distributed Annotation System/Clients

This table of client applications for the Distributed Annotation System has been created primarily for inclusion in its parent page. The parent page puts the table in context, and you should go there for more information. The table is provided in a separate page so that it can be transcluded where necessary.

Table follows

BioJava DAS Client
DastyA web client for visualizing protein sequence feature information using DAS[1] [2]
DasViewA server-side Perl application. This tool is mentioned in the original DAS publication, but has subsequently disappeared.
EnsEMBLThe EnsEMBL Genome Browser. Provides built-in support for DAS[3]
GeodesicAn stand-alone Java application[4]
IGBThe Integrated Genome Browser (IGB, pronounced "ig-bee") is an application built upon the GenoViz SDK and Genometry for visualization and exploration of genomes and corresponding annotations from multiple data sources[5]
JalviewA multiple sequence alignment editor & viewer[6]
OmniGeneThe user interface is based on the EnsEMBL interface[7] [8]
SIMAPSimilarity Matrix of Proteins[9] [10][permanent dead link]
SPICEA browser for the annotations for protein sequences and structures[11] [12] [13]
STRAPUnderlining sequence features in multiple alignments. Example output: [14][15]
TIGR DAS Viewer[16]
WormBaseThe WormBase genome Browser. Includes a DAS viewer named DASView