46 (number)

46 (forty-six) is the natural number following 45 and preceding 47.

← 45 46 47 →
Factorization2 × 23
Divisors1, 2, 23, 46
Greek numeralΜϚ´
Roman numeralXLVI

In mathematics

Forty-six is

It is the sum of the totient function for the first twelve integers.[5] 46 is the largest even integer that cannot be expressed as a sum of two abundant numbers. It is also the sixteenth semiprime.[6]

Since it is possible to find sequences of 46+1 consecutive integers such that each inner member shares a factor with either the first or the last member, 46 is an Erdős–Woods number.[7]

In science


In music

In sports

In religion

In other fields

Flag of Oklahoma (1911–1925)

Forty-six is also:

  • The code for international direct dial phone calls to Sweden.
  • The number of samurai, out of 47, who carried out the attack in the historical Ako vendetta; sometimes referred to as the 46 Ronins to discount the one samurai forced to turn back.
  • In the title of the movie Code 46, starring Tim Robbins and Samantha Morton.
  • Several routes numbered 46 exist throughout the world.
  • Because 46 in Japanese can be pronounced as "yon roku", and "yoroshiku" (よろしく) means "my best regards" in Japanese, people sometimes use 46 for greeting.
  • 46 is the number of the City Chevrolet and Superflo cars driven by Cole Trickle in the movie Days of Thunder.
  • The number of the French department Lot.
  • 46 is the number that unlocks the Destiny spaceship on the Sci-Fi TV show Stargate Universe. Dr. Rush discovers that the number 46 relates to the number of human chromosomes and begins sequencing different genetic codes to finally gain control of the ship's operating system. The episode was called "Humans".
  • The number depicted in the first flag of Oklahoma (replaced in 1925), signifying the fact that Oklahoma was the 46th state to join the United States.
  • Joe Biden was inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States on January 20, 2021.

See also
