2021 Governor General's Awards

The shortlisted nominees for the 2021 Governor General's Awards for Literary Merit were announced on October 14, 2021,[1] and the winners were announced on November 17.[2] The 2021 awards returned to their traditional scheduling and presentation in the fall of the year, following the postponement of the 2020 Governor General's Awards to spring 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada.


Fiction Norma Dunning, Tainna
Non-fiction Sadiqa de Meijer, alfabet/alphabet: a memoir of a first language
  • Larry Audlaluk, What I Remember, What I Know: The Life of a High Arctic Exile
  • Jenna Butler, Revery: A Year of Bees
  • Ivan Coyote, Care of: Letters, Connections, and Cures
  • J. B. MacKinnon, The Day the World Stops Shopping
Poetry Tolu Oloruntoba, The Junta of Happenstance
Drama Hannah Moscovitch, Sexual Misconduct of the Middle Classes
Children's literature Philippa Dowding, Firefly
Children's illustration David A. Robertson and Julie Flett, On the Trapline
  • Paul Harbridge and Josée Bisaillon, Out Into the Big Wide Lake
  • Brittany Luby and Joshua Mangeshig Pawis-Steckley, Mii maanda ezhi-gkendmaanh / This Is How I Know
  • Bahram Rahman and Gabrielle Grimard, The Library Bus
  • Todd Stewart, The Wind and the Trees
French to English translation Erín Moure, This Radiant Life (Chantal Neveu, La vie radieuse)
  • Helge Dascher and Rob Aspinall, Paul at Home (Michel Rabagliati, Paul à la maison)
  • Peter Feldstein, People, State, and War Under the French Regime in Canada (Louise Dechêne, Le Peuple, lʼÉtat et la Guerre au Canada sous le Régime français)
  • Katia Grubisic, A Cemetery for Bees (Alina Dumitrescu, Le cimetière des abeilles)
  • Susan Ouriou, The Lover, the Lake (Virginia Pésémapéo Bordeleau, L'amant du lac)


Fiction Fanny Britt, Faire les sucres
Non-fiction Serge Bouchard and Mark Fortier, Du diesel dans les veines
  • Mathieu Bélisle, LʼEmpire invisible
  • Isabelle Daunais, La Vie au long cours
  • Esther Laforce, Occuper les distances
  • Robert Lalonde, La Reconstruction du paradis
Poetry Tania Langlais, Pendant que Perceval tombait
Drama Mishka Lavigne, Copeaux
Children's literature Jean-François Sénéchal, Les Avenues
  • Jonathan Bécotte, Comme un ouragan
  • Mario Fecteau, Le Dernier Viking
  • Sandra Sirois, Stella, qu'est-ce que tu fais là?
  • Frédérick Wolfe, Tara voulait jouer
Children's illustration Mario Brassard and Gérard DuBois, À qui appartiennent les nuages ?
  • Jacques Goldstyn, Le Tricot
  • François Gravel and Laurent Pinabel, La langue au chat et autres poèmes pas bêtes
  • Catherine Lepage, Bouées : dérives identitaires, amours imaginaires et détours capillaires
  • Vigg, Ma maison-tête
English to French translation Marie Frankland, Poèmes 1938-1984 (Elizabeth Smart, The Collected Poems)
