2011 Moldovan local elections

Local elections were held in Moldova on 5 June 2011, with a runoff for mayors two weeks later. In one of the most high-profile races, Dorin Chirtoacă was reelected as mayor of Chişinău in a very close run-off election.[1]


Results of Moldovan local elections of 5 June 2011
Parties and coalitionsDistrict and municipality councils%PlacesCity and village councils%PlacesMayors%
Democratic Party of Moldova212,50415,41%226209,28418,84%226322024,50%
Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova508,34436,86%434327,74729,50%344120322,61%
Socialist Party of Moldova1080,01%510,00%
Partidul Legii și Dreptății5690,04%1970,02%2
Christian-Democratic People's Party16,0531,16%512,3891,12%7560,67%
Liberal Party223,26816,19%130130,94111,79%11629610,96%
Partidul pentru Unirea Moldovei2870,02%380,00%
Social Democratic Party12,4260,90%610,8340,98%5820,22%
Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova1,2200,09%1,8470,17%1120,22%
Republican Socio-Political Movement Equality3,3010,22%1,6790,15%6
Ecologist Party of Moldova "Green Alliance"3,6160,26%24,1170,37%2520,22%
Republican Party of Moldova7,4170,54%58,4880,76%6040,45%
Party of Labour6620,06%6
Centrist Union of Moldova6340,05%4330,04%3
European Party3850,03%3
Democratic People's Party of Moldova3,1630,23%2,4690,22%5
National Liberal Party8,7940,64%17,2620,65%3840,45%
Partidul "Pentru Neam și Țară"2,9470,21%3,3130,30%1820,22%
Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova312,01122,62%300281,66725,35%303928731,96%
Partidul "Patrioții Moldovei"8580,06%5230,05%2
Partidul "Casa Noastră — Moldova"6450,05%3,9360,35%38
Blocul electoral "Forța a treia"5,2300,38%26,9190,62%3910,11%
Total (percent %)1,721,157100,00%11201,721,157100,00%10630898100,00%
Source: e-democracy.md
