1600 in poetry

Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature (for instance, Irish or France).

List of years in poetry(table)
In literature



  • Robert Armin, Quips upon Questions; or, A Clownes Canceite on Occasion Offered (writing under the pen name "Clunnyco de Curtanio Snuffe")[1]
  • Nicholas Breton:
    • Melancholike Humours[1]
    • Pasquils Mad-cap and his Message (published anonymously)[1]
    • Pasquils Mistresse; or, The Worthie and Unworthie Woman (published under the pen name "Salochin Treboun")[1]
    • Pasquils Passe, and Passeth Not[1]
    • The Second Part of Pasquils Mad-cap intituled: The Fooles-cap[1]
  • Thomas Deloney (uncertain attribution), Patient Grissell, a ballad based on Book 10, novel X of Boccaccio's Decameron[1]
  • John Dowland, The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres (First Booke, 1597; Third and Last Booke, 1603)[1]
  • Edward Fairfax, translator (of Torquato Tasso's Gerusalemme Liberata), Godrey of Bulloigne; or, The Recoverie of Jerusalem[1]
  • Gervase Markham, The Teares of the Beloved; or, The Lamentation of Saint John, Concerning the Death and Passion of Christ Jesus our Saviour[1]
  • Christopher Marlowe's translation of Lucan's Pharsalia (posthumous)
  • Christopher Middleton, The Legend of Humphrey Duke of Glocester[1]
  • Thomas Middleton, The Ghost of Lucrece, a sequel to Shakespeare's Lucrece[1]
  • Thomas Morley, The First Booke of Ayres; or, Little Short Songs to Sing and Play to the Lute[1]
  • John Norden, Vicissitudo Rerum: An elegaicall poeme, of the interchangeable courses and varietie of things in this world[1]
  • Samuel Rowlands:
    • The Letting of Humors Bood in the Head-vaine[1]
    • A Merry Meeting, ordered burned and no copy is now extant (republished under the title The Knave of Cubbes in 1612)[1]
  • Thomas Weelkes' Canto
  • John Weever, The Mirror of Martyrs; or, The Life and Death of that Thrice Valiant Captaine, and Most Godly Martyre, Sir John Old-castle Knight Lord Cobham[1]

Anthologies in Great Britain



Death years link to the corresponding "[year] in poetry" article:


Birth years link to the corresponding "[year] in poetry" article:

See also
