متطلبات الحصول على تأشيرة لمواطني جيبوتي


 قبرص الشمالية6 أشهر[1]Full reciprocity not achieved; Northern Cypriot passport not valid for entry into كندا[2]


البلدان والأقاليم

شروط الحصولReciprocity of entry conditions imposed by كندا
 النمسا3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 بلجيكا3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 بلغاريا3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity not achieved; بلغارياn citizens require a visa in advance to enter كندا[2]
 قبرص3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 التشيك3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity not achieved; Czech citizens require a visa in advance to enter كندا[2]
 الدنمارك3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 إستونيا3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 فنلندا3 years in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 فرنسا3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 ألمانيا3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 اليونان3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 المجر3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 أيرلندا3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 إيطاليا3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 لاتفيا3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 ليتوانيا3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 لوكسمبورغ3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 مالطا3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 هولندا3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 بولندا3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 البرتغال3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 رومانيا3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity not achieved; Romanian citizens require a visa in advance to enter كندا[2]
 سلوفاكيا3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 سلوفينيا3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 إسبانيا3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 السويد3 months in a half year[3][4]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 المملكة المتحدة6 أشهر[6][7][8]Full reciprocity achieved[5]

خارج الاتحاد الأوروبي

 ألبانيا90 يوما[9][10]Full reciprocity not achieved; ألبانياn citizens require a visa in advance to enter كندا[2]
 أندورا90 يوما[11]Full reciprocity not achieved for Canadian passport holders; أندوراn citizens can enter كندا visa-free[5] for 6 months[12]
 روسيا البيضاءVisa must be obtained prior to arrival[13][14]Full reciprocity achieved[2]
 البوسنة والهرسك90 يوما[15]Full reciprocity not achieved; Bosnian and Herzegovinian citizens require a visa in advance to enter كندا[2]
 كرواتيا90 يوما[16][17]Full reciprocity not achieved for Canadian passport holders; كرواتياn citizens can enter كندا visa-free[5] for 6 months[12]
 جزر فارو3 months in half a year (same as الدنمارك)[18]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 جبل طارق6 months (same as UK)[19][20]Full reciprocity achieved[5]
 غيرنزي6 months (same as UK)[21]Full reciprocity achieved[5]
 آيسلندا3 months in a half year[22][23]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 جزيرة مان6 months (same as UK)[24]Full reciprocity achieved[5]
 جيرزي6 months (same as UK)[7][25]Full reciprocity achieved[5]
 كوسوفو90 يوما - التأشيرة غير مطلوبة only until June 30, 2013, from July 1, 2013 التأشيرة مطلوبة.[26][27]Full reciprocity not achieved; Kosovoan citizens require a visa in advance to enter كندا[2]
 ليختنشتاين3 months in half a year (same as Switzerland)[28][29]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 مقدونيا90 يوما[30]Full reciprocity not achieved; Macedonian citizens require a visa in advance to enter كندا[2]
 مولدوفا90 يوماً in half a year[31][32]Full reciprocity not achieved; Moldovan citizens require a visa in advance to enter كندا[2]
 موناكو90 يوما[33]Full reciprocity not achieved for Canadian passport holders; Monegasque citizens can enter كندا visa-free[5] for 6 months[12]
 الجبل الأسود90 يوما[34]Full reciprocity not achieved; Montenegrin citizens require a visa in advance to enter كندا[2]
 النرويج3 months in half a year[35]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 روسياVisa must be obtained prior to arrival[36][37]Full reciprocity achieved[2]
 سان مارينو90 يوما[38]Full reciprocity not achieved for Canadian passport holders; Sammarinese citizens can enter كندا visa-free[5] for 6 months[12]
 صربيا90 يوما[39][40]Full reciprocity not achieved; Serbian citizens require a visa in advance to enter كندا[2]
 سويسرا3 months in half a year[41][42]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]
 أوكرانيا90 يوما[43][44]Full reciprocity not achieved; Ukrainian citizens require a visa in advance to enter كندا[2]
  الفاتيكان90 يوماً in half a year[45]Full reciprocity achieved (6 months)[5]


البلدان والأقاليمشروط الحصول
 ساموا الأمريكية30 يوما[46]
 أسترالياPre-arrival رقابة حدودية required[47]
 جزر كوك31 يوما[48]
 فيجي6 أشهر[49]
 بولينزيا الفرنسية90 يوما
 غوام6 أشهر[50]
 كيريباتي28 يوماً[51][52]
 جزر مارشالmust apply for a visa in advance[53]
 ولايات ميكرونيسيا المتحدةmust apply for a visa in advance[54]
 ناورو30 يوما[55]
 كاليدونيا الجديدة90 يوما
 نيوزيلندا3 أشهر[56]
 نييوي30 يوما[57]
 جزيرة نورفولكPre-arrival رقابة حدودية required (same as أستراليا)[58]
 جزر ماريانا الشمالية6 أشهر[59]
 بالاو30 يوما[60][61]
 بابوا غينيا الجديدة60-day visa issued upon arrival for PGK100 (tourist), PGK500 (business)[62]
 جزر بيتكيرن14 يوماً[63]
 ساموا60 يوما[64]
 جزر سليمان3 أشهر[65][66]
 توكيلاوFree cruising permit can be obtain in أبيا، ساموا[67]
 تونغا31-day visa issued upon arrival (free of charge)[68]
 توفالوشهر واحد[69]
 فانواتو30 يوما[70][71]
 واليس وفوتونا90 يوما

انظر أيضاً
