Patrick White

Engels-gebore Australiese skrywer

Patrick Victor Martindale White (28 Mei 191230 September 1990) was 'n Australiese skrywer wat van 1935 tot 1987 twaalf romans, drie kortverhaalbundels en agt toneelstukke gepubliseer het.

Patrick White
’n Beeld van die betrokke persoonlikheid.
White, c. 1940's

GeboortenaamPatrick Victor Martindale White
Geboorte28 Mei 1912
Knightsbridge, Londen, Middlesex, Engeland
Sterfte30 September 1990
Sydney, Nieu-Suid-Wallis, Australië

White se prosa maak gebruik van humor, verskuiwende narratiewe waarnemingspunte en bewussynstroom tegnieke. In 1973 is hy bekroon met die Nobelprys vir Letterkunde,[1] "vir 'n epiese en sielkundige vertelkuns wat 'n nuwe kontinent in die letterkunde ingebring het", soos per die Sweedse Akademie[2]. Hy is die enigste Australiër wat tot op hede met die prys bekroon is (J. M. Coetzee het die toekenning in 2003 as 'n Suid-Afrikaanse burger gewen, voordat hy in 2006 'n Australiese burger geword het). White was ook die eerste ontvanger van die Miles Franklin-toekenning.

Lys van werke


  • Happy Valley (1939)
  • The Living and the Dead (1941)
  • The Aunt's Story (1948)
  • The Tree of Man (1955)
  • Voss (1957)
  • Riders in the Chariot (1961)
  • The Solid Mandala (1966)
  • The Vivisector (1970)
  • The Eye of the Storm (1973)
  • A Fringe of Leaves (1976)
  • The Twyborn Affair (1979)
  • Memoirs of Many in One (1986)
  • The Hanging Garden (2012) (Onvoltooid, postuum)


  • The Burnt Ones (1964)
  • The Cockatoos (1974)
  • Three Uneasy Pieces (1987)

PoësieDertien Gedigte / onder die skuilnaam Patrick Victor Martindale. – Sydney : Privaat gedruk, (omstreeks 1929)The Ploughman and Other Poems. – Sydney : Beacon Press, (1935)


  • Bread and Butter Women (1935) Ongepubliseer.
  • The School for Friends (1935) Ongepubliseer.
  • Return to Abyssinia (1948) Ongepubliseer.
  • The Ham Funeral (1947) prem. Union Theatre, Adelaide, 1961.
  • The Season at Sarsaparilla (1962)
  • A Cheery Soul (1963)
  • Night on Bald Mountain (1964)
  • Big Toys (1977)
  • Signal Driver: a Morality Play for the Times (1982)
  • Netherwood (1983)
  • Shepherd on the Rocks (1987)


  • The Night the Prowler (1978)


  • Flaws in the Glass (1981)


Verdere leesstof

  • A Conversation with Patrick White, Australian Writers in Profile, Southerly, No.3 1973
  • Barry Argyle, Patrick White, Writers and Critics Series, Oliver and Boyd, Londen, 1967
  • Peter Beatson, The Eye in the Mandala, Patrick White: A Vision of Man and God, Barnes & Noble, Londen, 1976
  • John Docker, Patrick White and Romanticism: The Vivisector, Southerly, No.1, 1973
  • Simon During, Patrick White, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, VIC, 1996.
  • Michael Wilding, Studies in Classic Australian Fiction, Sydney Studies in Society and Culture, 16, 1997
  • Ian Henderson en Anouk Lang (reds.) Patrick White Beyond the Grave, Anthem Press, 2015
  • Helen Verity Hewitt, Patrick White and the Influence of the Visual Arts in his Work, Doktorale Proefskrif, Dept. van Engels, Universiteit van Melbourne, 1995.
  • Holland, Patrick (27 Mei 2002). "Patrick White (1912–1990)". Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 14 Augustus 2007. Besoek op 21 Junie 2007.
  • Clayton Joyce (red.) Patrick White: A Tribute, Angus & Robertson, Harper Collins, North Ryde, 1991.
  • Brian Kiernan, Patrick White, Macmillan Commonwealth Writers Series, The Macmillan Press, Londen, 1980.
  • Alan Lawson (red.) Patrick White: Selected Writings, University of Queensland Press, St. Lucia, 1994
  • David Marr, Patrick White – A Life, Random House Australia, Sydney, 1991.
  • David Marr (red.), Patrick White Letters, Random House Australia, Sydney, 1994.
  • Irmtraud Petersson, ‘'New "Light" on Voss: The Significance of its Title, World Literature Written in English 28.2 (Herfs 1988) 245-59.
  • Laurence Steven, Dissociation and Wholeness in Patrick White's Fiction, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Ontario, 1989.
  • Elizabeth McMahon, Brigitta Olubas. Remembering Patrick White : contemporary critical essays, Rodopi, Amsterdam, New York, 2010.
  • Denise Varney, Patrick White's Theatre: Australian Modernism on Stage, Sydney University Press, Sydney, 2021.
  • Patrick White, Patrick White Speaks, Primavera Press, Sydney, Publisher Paul Brennan, 1989.
  • Stephen Michael Sasse, Companion notes to the Aunt's story by Patrick White, WriteLight, 2012.
  • Cynthia Vanden Drissen, Writing the nation : Patrick White and the indigene, Rodopi, Amsterdam, New York, 2009.
  • William Yang, Patrick White: The Late Years, PanMacmillan Australia, 1995

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